Claim your TES

Claim your TES

Claim your TES

Claim your TES

Claim your TES

You can claim free coins once every 30 minutes. The coins will be credited to your BTCPop user account. If you don't have one yet, feel free to register here!

Share your referral link with friends, and you will both profit. You will get an additional 25% of all coins claimed by each of your friends!

Please note:

We are using hCaptcha to make sure our faucet is not abused by bots. reCaptcha v3 calculates a user score in the background, based on which we determine how likely it is you are a bot or a real user. If google says you are likely to be a bot, we will display increasingly difficult PoW challenges as captchas after the normal captcha.

If you think this score is wrong, and you are not botting, you can try to raise your score in the following ways:

  • Reset your internet connection
  • Clear browser cache
  • Try letting a little more time pass between claims
The claimed TES will be credited to this username.